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Nightclub Lighting Safety: How to Put on a Show Without Any Danger

Jul 09, 2019

Nightclub Lighting Safety: How to Put on a Show Without Any Danger Nightclub Lighting Safety: How to Put on a Show Without Any Danger

For nightclub owners, operators, and managers, setting the scene inside the club with the right lighting is important when it comes to creating a fun environment that people want to be in. Lighting is an integral part of creating an atmosphere where people want to come and dance and party with their friends. But lighting can also spell trouble for those in charge when it comes to safety concerns.

There are certain liabilities that nightclubs face when it comes to installing lighting. From the type of lighting to the location, there are plenty of safety issues to consider. Here are some things to look out for when wanting to create a fun and safe environment in a nightclub.

Lighting Placement

Nightclubs, like every establishment, have to be well-lit enough for people to move around safely. This can be addressed by installing track lighting along corridors, hallways, flooring, stages, and bars. Having low-lit, yet still effective lighting on the ground, walls, and overhead can provide enough illumination to be safe but still keep with a nightclub’s theme.

Bathrooms should also be well lit as well as entrances and exits. One issue people have inside nightclubs is not knowing where to place their feet because the lighting can tend to be dark. Their safety and the safety of the staff and management should be ensured with proper lighting.

Bright hot lights, on the other hand, can also create liabilities for clubs. Having properly mounted and installed par and spotlights on trusses when possible can help to make sure lighting is away from the clientele.

Laser Shows and Epilepsy

For those who suffer from epilepsy, it’s hard to even plan a night out with friends due to the nature of nightclubs and bars. While having laser lights and strobes can add some fun to a nightclub’s overall makeup, avoiding bombarding people with them is encouraged.

If someone ends up having an epileptic episode inside a nightclub, they can turn around and bring a lawsuit against the establishment for putting their safety in harm’s way for the sake of having a great lighting show. And while nightclub insurance can help to alleviate the financial stress of going through a lawsuit, having your reputation tarnished as a place that puts people in harm’s way can be irrecoverable.

Where it is not practical to avoid the use of strobes, it’s still possible to reduce the risk of inducing photosensitive seizures through a number of ways.

First, the flash rate should be kept at or below four flashes per second. Also, customers should be informed before they enter that there may be a risk of flickering lights or high contrast image changes. This can help to cover a nightclub’s liabilities showing there is an effort being made to limit exposure to those who are sensitive to lighting.

Lighting that is being used, whether it’s strobe or lasers, should be kept a considerable amount away from those present. Mounting them above head height is a good start in keeping everyone safe.

Finally, where possible, the lights should be bounced off walls and ceilings or diffused by other means so glare can be reduced.

About RMS Hospitality Group

At RMS Hospitality Group, our expertly crafted policies are written specifically for the hospitality industry. We offer custom tailored solutions to meet any venue’s specific needs. For more information, contact our knowledgeable experts today at (888) 359-8390.

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