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Seasonal Marketing Tips for Restaurants

Nov 23, 2021

Restaurant Insurance

Seasonal Marketing Tips for Restaurants Seasonal Marketing Tips for Restaurants

Running a restaurant insurance program involves ensuring that your clients comply with liquor liability requirements, medical liability regulations, and other critical rules. Offering insurance also puts you in the perfect position to advise your clients when they're not sure how to reach the most customers. If the winter holiday season is approaching, share these tips at your next insurance consultation.

Get Creative With Holiday Offerings

Holiday marketing ideas aren't necessarily coupons and sales. Instead, encourage your clients to offer traditional holiday dishes, such as kugel for Hanukkah, jambalaya for Kwanzaa, and roast goose for Christmas. They can also design new cocktails or nonalcoholic beverages that incorporate holiday flavors such as peppermint and gingerbread.

Expand to Catering Options

Not everyone wants to eat in a restaurant during the holidays, so a big part of seasonality in restaurants is being flexible. Even if your clients don't normally provide catering services, a temporary catering menu can help them reach a whole new market. Remind them to invest in insulated containers to ensure that their food doesn't get cold, and offer tips on designing the perfect online ordering form. For example, the form should accurately reflect your clients' food options, and it should include details about scheduling deliveries or pick-ups.

Explore Holiday Celebrations Over Livestreams

For customers who don't feel comfortable celebrating in-person at your clients' restaurants, they should host parties on Facebook Live, Zoom, or another streaming service. These parties are the perfect accompaniment to catering services and can include ugly sweater contests, trivia nights, and holiday music concerts.

Run Holiday Sales

If your restaurant insurance program clients are doing well financially, they should offer a discount or buy-one, get-one offer during the holidays. For example, they can offer holiday desserts for free to customers who dine in on major holidays or serve free meals to children under twelve.

Sponsor Charities

The holidays are the ideal time for your clients to sponsor charities or other organizations within their communities. They can send one night's profits to the charity of their choice, or they can agree to donate a portion of one item's profits at the end of the holiday season.

Get Active on Social Media

All of these holiday marketing ideas aren't much use if your clients' customers don't know about them. Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms are quick and easy ways to spread the news about your clients' holiday programs. They can post behind-the-scenes photos of their employees decorating, or they can encourage their customers to share photos of their favorite holiday meals.

Decorate the Dining Area

Finally, nothing says holiday spirit quite like decorations. Encourage your clients to put up lights or ornaments to take their festivity to the next level.

About RMS Hospitality Group 

At RMS Hospitality Group, our expertly crafted policies are written specifically for the hospitality industry. We offer custom tailored solutions to meet any venue's specific needs. For more information, contact our knowledgeable experts today at (888) 359-8390.

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COVID-19 Update:

At RMS and associated firms, business continues as usual. Our staff is remote-capable and available to handle all partners, brokers, and insureds at the present time.